Sunday, July 15, 2012

Progress is progress....

We're still losing the battle of the chest tubes.  The doctors think that she still needs to drain more fluid, so they only took out one chest tube because it hasn't drained anything in like 2 days.  It was the biggest of the three, so we're glad to be rid of it, but we wish they were all gone.  They also took out the pacer wires and removed the bandage over her scar.  With the removal of so many bandages her torso was sticky with left over adhesive, so we decided it was a good time for a nice sponge bath.  We even tried to wash her hair, which was impossible, and settled for spraying it with detangler and putting a braid in the front.  We also put on her dancer jammies and she was feeling like a new woman.  She wanted to get out of bed and sit in the rocking chair, so I helped her.  She sat there for a couple of hours!  It was AWESOME!
 Then after Daddy arrived we took a little wagon ride down to the cafeteria (we needed to get out of that room).  Ivy got some applesauce and cheetos.  She wanted a bite of Daddy's ham and cheese sandwich, and two seconds after her bite, threw up on the table (sorry other cafeteria patrons).  We quickly went back upstairs to her room and Daddy held her for a while.  He was so happy that I stopped being selfish and shared cuddle time (I just want to be the one to hold her!!).  Then he stayed with her for a few hours while I went back to Grandma Marde's to do some laundry, get more clothes and pajama's for myself, and take a nice, HOT shower.  
I played with the kids while I was there and it was so fun to see them.  Dexter drew me this picture and told me, "it was so good to see you today" right before I left. He told me that it's me walking to the car (or something like that).  It made me laugh so hard.  I guess that's what pregnancy looks like to a 5 year old.

So....We didn't meet our number one goal of having all those tubes removed and it wasn't the greatest day, but nothing got worse, so that still makes it a good day.  Moving forward, even slowly, is still moving!

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