Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ivy Does Drugs

Ivy went to see her cardiologist and get an echo-cardiogram. She hates getting her echoes and usually cries for the entire thing, so last year we tried giving her drugs (the legal kind of course), and it didn't really work, she still cried the whole time. We decided to try it again this year, so again, they gave her drugs to make her more cooperative. This time was much more successful. Almost immediately she chilled out and relaxed. She even let the doctor pick her up and put her on the table, AND take her shirt off to perform the exam (I was busy holding a baby girl). She didn't even squirm or anything! She just lay still and let him get a great view of her heart. It was awesome. Afterward we headed to Scott's work to pick up the boys who were hanging out there until the echo was done, and she put on a little show for everyone. She was still pretty drugged up and acting silly. She couldn't walk very well because she was so out of it, and seemed drunk. She giggled like crazy and everyone got a big kick out of her silliness. Adorable. Anyway, everything on her echo looked great, and we should be okay to wait until next summer before she needs more surgery. Yay!