Thursday, April 16, 2009

Oxygen baby

A normal person's blood oxygen level is approximately 98-100%. Since Ivy is a "mixer" (meaning her oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood mixes together), her blood oxygen level is usually between 75 and 85%. Over the past several weeks her levels have been slowly declining (which is normal with her condition). About two weeks ago they dropped quite a bit, and then dropped even more this week. She is now between 62 and 68%, which isn't good. Since her surgery has not yet been scheduled, her cardiologist decided to put her on oxygen to see if that will help get her levels back up (and keep them up). So here she is with her little nose cannula. She's still beautiful, but I feel bad for her because it's never fun have stuff up your nose. She brings back memories of my little niece Ryan when she was on oxygen years ago.

We are wishing little Ives luck to get the oxygen she needs to be able to last a while longer until her surgery, which sounds like it is getting close. I can't wait until we don't have play this waiting game anymore. Her MRI is on May 5th so hopefully then we will have a better idea of a surgery date, we're crossing our fingers for June.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Blessings

So this weekend was THE weekend for us. We had a lot of people come to Boise and stay with us for Ivy's blessing on Easter Sunday. We had tons of fun and it was so good to see everybody. Of course, Ivy looked beautiful in her easter/blessing dress, and loved being the center of attention. Scott gave her an amazing blessing (did you have any doubt, he always gives great blessings) and then we had a fun brunch at our community clubhouse. We can't wait to do it again. Well, actually we can, we aren't going to be having any more babies any time soon!

Besides Ivy's blessing we also did average Easter stuff, like coloring eggs,

Playing in our new Curious George jammies (thanks Heidi, they love them),

Playing on jumping stilts,

And putting bubbles in Russell and Collettes fountain,

You know, all very boring stuff!