Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Happy Fontan-iversary!

It has now been a year since Ivy had her last open-heart surgery, The Fontan.  I can't believe an entire year has gone by.  Ivy is amazing.  She has gone through so much in her short little life that is unimaginable to me.  She is resilient and strong and incredible.  I am so proud of this 4 1/2 year old.  

This is what Ivy looked like a year ago immediately following her surgery:

And here is our little ray of sunshine now. 

 She barely even remembers going through it all.  She says, "Remember when I got poked-ed?" and that's the most she says about it.  She is one amazing little girl.  We celebrated her Fontan-iversary by eating ice cream and telling her we love her and how she (and we) have all benefited by her going through the things she has.  I feel so blessed and grateful to have Ivy in our lives.  She seriously makes even the darkest days bright.  She is everything to us and we are so happy that we get to have her around to bring us joy every. single. day.

We love you, Ivy.  Happy Fontan-iversary!