Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Braggin' Wagon Wednesday:Ivy Talks

Ivy's getting bigger everyday. She finally hit twenty pounds and is officially big enough for her car seat now. She also grew 2 inches in the last month and a half and is 30 inches tall. She's so cute and silly and a total joy to be around. Here's a little video of her saying a bunch of words. She's just about the cutest thing I've ever seen!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Braggin' Wagon Wednesday: Dare to Compare

Is it me or do I have the cutest kids EVER?! I know, I'm biased, but you can't deny their cuteness! Anyway, recently it dawned on me that Ivy is the exact same age Dexter was when Ivy was born. Can you imagine if I had another baby right now?! I can't! Whew, so far I've dodged that bullet! Anyway, this realization is weird to me because Ivy still seems like such a baby, whereas Dex didn't. By this age he'd already almost bit off his tongue by jumping off the coffee table. Ivy can't even jump yet, let alone climb up on the coffee table! So I thought I'd let you decide if Ivy still seems babyish compared to her brothers when they were her age. Since you don't see her everyday, and don't know her like I do, maybe you can be a better judge than I. Here goes, dare to compare.

Corbin - 2 months (I don't have digital newborn pics)

Dexy - Birth

Ivy - birth

Corbin - 6 months

Dex - 6 months

Ivy - 6 months

Corbin - 1 year

Dex - 1 year

Ivy - 1 year

Corbin - 19/20 months (ish)

Dexter - 19/20 months (ish)

Ivy - 19/20 months (ish)

What do you think? Baby or big girl?