Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Braggin' Wagon Wednesday: Meeting A Celebrity

Have you ever met a celebrity? Well, I have to brag that this past weekend Scott and I did! A celebrity right here in Boise, Idaho. Who'da thunk it?! This is a person who has been in the news a lot lately. He is the only good guy in a huge television scandal. He lost his job, but had an unbelievable following of supporters. He just got a new show on TBS. Are you on "Team Coco?"
That's right.......

Wait for it...........

Ladies and gentlemen........

It's Conan O'Brien!!
Admit it, I really had you going there for a second!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Braggin' Wagon Wednesday: Dancing Queen

First here's a little update on Ivy. She had her 18 month well check last week as well as her semi-annual echo cardiogram. She now weighs 19 lbs 12 oz (still under the 3rd percentile, but actually jumped up just a touch), and she is 28 1/2 inches tall. Her echo went okay, she was "sedated" with some medicine that was supposed to make her happy and agreeable so the doctor wouldn't have such a hard time getting a look at her heart with her fighting. It didn't work and she screamed and squirmed the whole time anyway. He still got a good enough look to tell us that everything looked exactly as he had expected. We were also able to take away one of her medications, so now she just has three. She is doing so well, and we are so proud of her progress.

In other news, Ivy has discovered some new skills the last couple of weeks. She can now walk backwards, march, spin in circles and dance. She's especially fond of spinning and dancing, so we constantly find her spinning all around the house, or booty dancing when any music is playing. She's so cute and funny. Here's some video of her doing those two things.