Saturday, July 14, 2012

Despite the setbacks....

.....we tried to have a good day today.  Ivy walked to the window down the hall outside of her room twice (she still whimpers the entire way which is maybe only 30 feet), and took 2 different LONG wagon rides and 1 quick one.  She does not like getting in the wagon, but once she's in she loves it.  In her wagon she was allowed to eat cookies and drink chocolate milk (I know, not the greatest choices, but at this point I am just happy she's eating!)
 She became acquainted with the bubbles girl statue...
 And of course became good friends with........
 Spiderman!!  I think she remember's him from her previous hospital stays!  Only back then his arm was broken!
 And the thing that made her happier than having wagon rides....VISITORS!!  Her brothers and sisters came by and brought her a gift of skittles and she was super happy to see them.  Dexter wanted to eat all her various treat stashes that were sporadically spread throughout the room, Corbin was fascinated by the fact that she could order whatever she wanted off the menu, and Echo just wanted to mess with everything that babies can't mess with.  It was so fun to see them (for me too!)
 Gma and Gpa came also, they are always wonderful to have around.  It was such a mood lifter to see loving faces on such a bummer day.
The plan for tomorrow....GET THOSE DARN CHEST TUBES OUT!!! get the pacer wires out as well, and to take some longer walks and wagon rides!  Good job on your progress today Ivy...Even if it seems like you didn't do much, sitting up and walking around is really helping.  So is eating 5 whole bites of mac n cheese, 4 cookies, and like 12 potato chips!  I just know tomorrow will be a good day!

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