Wednesday, July 18, 2012

One can't go on forever without pooping....right?

Ivy is sleeping.  Its quiet and peaceful.  I asked the nurses to leave us alone for a bit.  My girl needs her rest. She is doing better today.  Still grumpy but not quite as bad.  Last night she had the mother of all meltdowns around midnight.  She had just woken up very uncomfortable and was whining and trying to find a better position.  Just then the nurses came in for vitals.  She, like always, was not happy to see them.  She lost all control, sat right up in her bed and threw the biggest tantrum I have ever seen her throw.  It could give Dexter a run for his money.  She flailed, screamed, kicked, cried and refused to cooperate in the slightest.  I felt bad for the nurses, but only a little.  I'm getting a little frustrated with the waking her up situation.  Isn't the best way to heal to sleep?  I just want them to let her sleep for more than 2 or 3 hours at a time.  I want to sleep for more than 2 or 3 hours at a time too!  Its really starting to wear on my nerves.

Anyway, a couple of good things have happened.  Ivy's IV went bad yesterday, so they took it out, and didn't replace it.  YES!! And we received the best news this morning.  As long as Ivy poops at some point before tomorrow, and her Xrays look good in the morning, we will be going home tomorrow!  I'm not worried about the Xrays, but I am worried about the poop.  She has now had 4 suppositories, 3 days straight of miralax, and still nothing.  We've discussed the possibility of an enema, but for now the dr wants to wait and see if she can get it out on her own.  I keep thinking it'll come, but it just wont.  I never thought I'd wish an enema on anyone, but I would really love to get out of here!  How do you make someone poop?  I don't know the answer.  I wish I did.

Anyway, we've been working hard to get Ivy up and walking around.  She is NEVER willing to do this, and it seems like I force her every time.  I try to explain that it will help her get well quicker, but she still gets really mad and frustrated when I refuse to take the wagon.  Its definitely been a struggle, and she's got daddy wrapped around her finger, because she knows she can make him hold her when she doesn't want to walk, whereas I just make her walk.  Poor daddy, hates seeing his little girl miserable.

 I've been doing my best to find ways to make Ivy happier.  At home she has always been a tummy sleeper, so I encourage her to sleep on her tummy so she can get a more deep sleep going.
 I let her eat cereal for every meal if that's what she wants.  She hasn't thrown up for a while now, and cereal seems to settle without making her nauseous.  Although, today she picked mac n cheese for lunch and ate some and hasn't thrown it up yet.  Keeping my fingers crossed. 
 After Scott arrived last night we took a "walk" to a playroom (Scott gave in and held her most of the way!), and she rode this little tricycle around for a few minutes.
 Then we found a car, which she also enjoyed.
 Then we went out to the patio.  She hated it out there, but it was worth a shot.
 Today I gave her another sponge bath and was actually able to wash her hair (not well, but its a little better), then we put it in some braids, put on clean jammies, found her bracelet and croc shoes, and walked the halls (Which she still complained about, but I think went much better because she had her own shoes on).  After we got back we got some playdough and she played with it while watching the little mermaid (for the billionth time).  She LOVES the playdough, and it was the happiest I've seen her in days.  She only yelled at me a couple of times.  
Now if I can just coax her digestive system into clearing itself out, we'd be all clear for home.  Maybe I should whisper in her ear while she sleeping that she needs to poop.  That kind of stuff works, right?

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