Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 2 Wrap-Up

Another long day in the CICU is over.  Ivy spent a lot of time being grumpy (understandably), and yelled at her nurse and I several times.  It was pretty funny actually because she was so demanding but cute at the same time.  It was hard not to laugh when she'd get angry at the nurse for touching her.  Anyway, this morning she got her arterial line out (as previously mentioned), and a few hours later I talked her into letting me start the slow process of removing the sticker thingy from her forehead (it was all stuck in her hair and eyebrow like crazy), and then we took the line out of her neck, replaced some yucky bandages that had been thrown up on, and took out her catheter.  She did so good through all of that and didn't even cry.  Doesn't she look better with her fresh bandages, cleared forehead, and semi-managed hair?  

Afterward, I managed to coerce the nurse into no longer restricting her liquids since it'd been hours since she'd thrown-up.  Its been much more pleasant in Ivy's corner of the CICU since.  She's been less angry, sleeping a little bit better, and more agreeable.  By dinnertime she was allowed solid foods and the nurse told me I could order her anything she wanted.  I offered chicken nuggets, quesodilla, and mac n' cheese.  She thought about it and then said, "I want a cheese pizza and a cheese breadstick."  Luckily, both options were on the menu, so I agreed.  I had to leave for the nurse shift-change before her dinner arrived at her bed, and when Scott and I returned she hadn't taken a single bite (and she also had a bowl of cereal as an alternative that was untouched).  She was drifting in and out of sleep because she had just had a good cry over her Art Line being removed!  Yay! (not yay that she cried, yay that the art line is out of her hand).  Hopefully her appetite will return tomorrow.

So by the end of the day all she has left is: one IV in her right hand, one IV in her right foot, 3 chest tubes for drainage, 2 pacemaker wires, and oxygen.  What a superstar!  Word is that she will most likely be moved to "the floor" tomorrow, which means she'll be out of the CICU in her own private room with a bathroom and fold out sleeping area for mom.  I'm very excited about this.  I hope there is an available room.  Thanks for all the prayers and love.  We love you all!

1 comment:

  1. She's doing great! Go Ivy Go! Continued prayers for a smooth and swift recovery!
