Sunday, November 9, 2008


Ivy Maxine Brunson

Ivy joined our little family on Friday, November 7 at 2:13pm. She weighed in at 6 lbs 14 oz and was just 18 inches long. Our biggest baby so far. I was able to stick out the relatively short labor without any pain medication (although I regretted it in the last few moments of her delivery). She came out screaming, but looked great with lots of dark curly hair. The NICU nurses instantly took her through a window in the wall into another room to check all that high-risk newborn stuff and I was only able to see her for about 7 seconds. Scott was able to see her a little more while I was being stitched up and all that other fun stuff that happens after the baby is born.
I was finally able to see Ivy and kiss her cute little head a few hours later in the NICU, she was so beautiful. I didn't want to leave her there, but I knew she was in good hands. I returned a few hours later to visit again and was finally able to hold my baby in my arms. I can't describe the overwhelming joy that I felt at the time, but it is an amazing feeling. Scott was able to hold her after me, and it made the last three months of uncertainty worth it for both of us.
On Saturday the doctors told us that the ultrasound on her abdominal area showed that she most likely does not have a spleen and that her liver is on the wrong side. Later that day they did another test that included feeding her a dyed substance to show them if her intestines were twisted, they were, its known as mal-rotation of the intestines. Although they are twisted she still has a clear path from mouth to bottom so she is not in need of immediate surgery to fix it (more on that at a later date). Since she has the clear path, the doctors gave the okay for me to try to nurse her. I cried a little because it was such great news. I tried to feed her at that time, however she was too sleepy and wouldn't try. A few hours later we tried again, and this time she took a few swallows before falling asleep for the second time. So it didn't really work out, but it was nice to try. The nurse told me to come back on Sunday morning to try again.
On Sunday morning Scott and I arrived in the NICU right as the doctors were removing an oxygen tube from her nose. They told us that overnight she had begun breathing too rapidly so they were trying to calm it down with oxygen. It didn't really work so they removed the tube. She is still breathing on her own, but every once and a while she will breath really fast. All this means that I no longer get to nurse her because of the risk of her choking. I am still pumping though, and saving my milk for a later time.
The doctors have scheduled her heart surgery (to repair her aortic arch) for Tuesday morning. She will not get to eat again until after the surgery, but is receiving nutrition from her IV. Also, She was moved from the NICU to the PICU Sunday afternoon (which only means she is closer to the Cardiologists now). We are very pleased with how well she is doing right now, and are praying for the best possible outcome for her surgery. We will update when more info is available and have time to post. Thank you everyone for your support. We love you Ivy! You are such a sweet angel.

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