Friday, November 28, 2008

extubation is tomorrow.....maybe.

So everyday since about monday we have heard from all the nurses and nurse practitioners that Ivy will get her breathing tube out "tomorrow". Tomorrow has come and gone several times now, and no extubation. Last night we heard from the nurse practitioner that they would do another spontaneous breathing trial (turn her breathing tube off and let her breathe on her own) today at 5:00am and if she did well, out it would come. So, we called this morning at about 9:00am and she had done very well on her trial...but surprise surprise, they aren't going to take it out because her lungs are "wet", maybe tomorrow. They may not even take it out at all because her other surgery is coming up and they don't want to re-put it in. But, the longer it stays in, the harder it is for her to adjust without it, its starting to get on my nerves. I know they are trying to do whats best for her, but it is hard to stand by and watch nothing happen day after day. I am just hoping her lungs will "dry out" so we can get that thing out and not have to watch her gag on it anymore.

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