Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Doctors Do Little

Well, the last 2 days have been pretty frustrating for us. So far nothing has gone as we planned. We were scheduled to have Ivy's big surgery today (July 1st) but after we arrived at the hospital yesterday we were informed that the surgery had been canceled a week ago! And of course, nobody told us, the patient and parents! The doctors in Salt Lake decided that it wouldn't be a good time for her right now and want to wait another 6-7 months. This is all after they had looked over her paperwork weeks ago and decided then that she was ready. Anyway, they were worried about her oxygen level and decided to admit her against our will for 2 days and 2 nights until they could do a minor cath operation on Thursday to help prolong the oxygen situation until she is really ready for the surgery. So, Ivy and Rochelle have been stuck in the hospital for the last 2 days all so they can watch her oxygen level, something we can easily do at home and have been doing fine for the last 6 months. For some reason they didn't believe us that we could take care of her on our own for 2 days while we waited for the procedure. Needless to say, we are not too happy with the situation right now. Tomorrow (Thursday) she is scheduled to have the cath and if everything goes well, we might be able to get Ivy out of that hospital that night or early Friday. Who knows what will happen? Nothing is certain right now because we are basically walk-ins that are being worked into the schedule because our "scheduled" times were canceled behind our backs.

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