Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Collage of Craziness

First off, yesterday, Ivy had her post-op appointment with her cardiologist.  He took her off oxygen!!  Yay!  That oxygen was seriously a pain in the butt.  Her sats were the same with and without the oxygen in, so he decided she didn't need it.  He also took away one med, but she has to keep one until the first week of September, when he'll see her again and do an echo.  She is doing so great, and is back to her normal self (except that she was afraid of Dr Womack again. The hospital made her afraid of the medical field all over again).  We've spent most of our time hanging out in our air conditioned home, watching movies.  Ivy's obsessed with the montage videos that daddy makes for the kids.  I've put them all up here on the blog at some point, but I wanted to share one again.  This is from Ivy's first birthday and shows all the progress she made in that first year.  Its my favorite one and it still makes me cry EVERY TIME!  She was always so happy, even after all the stuff she had gone through.  This girl is totally my hero.

In other news, I'm 33 1/2 weeks pregnant.  6 1/2 weeks to go.  (yes, mom, I went to the doctor, everything is still fine). I still haven't started getting things ready for this baby.  I don't want to go in the attic to dig out the boy clothes, just in case.  Its too much work.  So instead I got some gender neutral onesies from Target to take the hospital.  I can do the other stuff after the baby is born, if its a boy.  I have a huge "to-do list" that I'm trying to get done before the boys get home from Utah.  Lots of those things are to prepare for this baby.  Hopefully I get them all done before he/she arrives.

 Since coming home, we are having bug problems. We came home to fly season in our neighborhood.  We live right by a farm, so every year the flies get REALLY overwhelming at some point in the summer.  We hoped that since the boys weren't home to leave the back door open all the time, they wouldn't all get in the house.  Unfortunately those darn flies found ways around that.  A few days after we got home we opened up our big trash can in the garage and out flew about 8 billion flies.  I've never seen so many flies.  It was horrifying.  Every time we came in the house from the garage, a million of those flies came in.  I went on several fly-killing sprees, but there were still so many.  We put up a bunch of fly traps (3 in the garage, 2 in the house), they all looked like this after a day (or worse).  They are mostly gone now, but it was miserable getting to this point.  Stupid flies.
The second bug problem: BEES!  We haven't done much playing outside since coming home (with Ivy attached to oxygen and it being 5000 degrees outside, it was too hard), but after Ivy's appointment and no more oxygen, the girls went outside to play while Scott and I bbq'd some burgers. Scott realized there were a bunch of bees by us, this is what he found.  A big fat beehive on the underside of our grill.
Several minutes later, Ivy started screaming.  I don't mean little screams, I mean blood-curdling, horrifying screams.  We looked over and she was climbing the ladder on our playground, surrounded by bees.  We both ran over, Scott grabbed her and ran her inside and I grabbed Echo, who was on the slide, and followed them.  There was another GIANT beehive on the underside of the playground.
 Poor innocent Ivy got stung FIVE TIMES!  One on her hand, one on her arm, one just under her lower lip, one on her forehead, and one on her ear.  Luckily, Echo didn't get any, but she was VERY ANGRY when we wouldn't let her go back outside.  Ivy is fine, she cried for a while (as would I), and now talks about it very matter-of-factly, saying, "I got attacked by bees.  They stinged me."  I felt sick to my stomach when it happened and I still can't believe it.  It was really scary.  I even called Dr. Womack to make sure she could take benedryl, and that she'd be fine.  I'm afraid she'll never go outside again.  Ps..Scott went on a bee-murdering spree right after it happened.  I think they are all dead now!  Here are a couple of terrible pictures of the stings.

 And here she is smiling after she stopped crying.  What a trooper.
 And last, and definitely least, I got some new dolls up on my Etsy page if you want to check them out.  I'm sure you totally care!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear everything is going so well. Ivy is just so adorable. <3
