Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A rough couple of weeks

I can't wait for April to be over.

Ivy spent about 5 hours in the emergency room last night.  She's had a raging fever since Saturday.  She has Asplenia so high fevers with unknown reasons can be a little scary for her.  I spoke with her doctor twice during the day, took her to the hospital to have some more blood tests done (we did this in early april as well, and got no definitive results), picked up a new prescription for augmenton (an antibiotic) for the second time this month, and made an appointment for her to see an infectious disease doctor at our pediatricians recommendation.  We spent the remainder of the afternoon at home while she whined and winced on the couch.  By dinnertime she complained that her stomach hurt and it was hard to breath.  That was enough for me.  I quickly packed an overnight bag (just in case), but by the time I was done she said her left arm hurt too.  Scott and I both kind of panicked, threw her in the car and she and I headed to the nearest hospital, driving way too fast.

They took us back immediately and hooked Ivy up to all the usual equipment.  The source of her left arm pain was revealed when her shirt came off and it was discovered that she still had the little cotton-ball and band-aid on her arm from the blood work earlier in the day.  I felt pretty dumb, but hey, better safe than sorry, right.  Anyway, they took her temperature twice (the unfun way) and she had a fever of 104.6 degrees.  They quickly got to work on her.  After 2 attempted IV's without success, more blood work, a urine sample, and 5 long hours of crying and heartache it was determined that Ivy had a severe bladder infection.  They gave her a big shot of antibiotics in her butt (which was heartbreaking because it was very unpleasant for her), and sent us home with instructions to continue taking the augmenton, see the infectious disease doctor in the morning, and follow up with the pediatrician.  We got home at 11:30 pm.

I suppose I need to be grateful that in four years this is only the 2nd time she has had to go to the emergency room, and I am, I just feel bad that she had to go through all of it.  I feel stupid for taking her in when it was just a bladder infection, but I am also so happy that it wasn't something worse (like the endocarditis they originally suspected) and that we didn't ever have to be admitted to the hospital.

Now that she's on the augmenton and since she had that extra shot in her butt, she is already seeming a lot better (although she still cried like crazy at the infectious disease doctors office today, but who could blame her!).  I just hope that as soon as she finishes this antibiotic she doesn't instantly get sick again, because its really hard when a princess is sick.

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