Thursday, April 28, 2011

Even when she's sick she's the cutest girl ever!

Ivy is doing a lot better. She's eating and sleeping again. Her fever is gone, thank goodness, and her oxygen saturations are about the same (she's on 1/2 liter of oxygen per hour and her sats average at 78%, in case you were wondering). She's definitely going to need to stay on the oxygen for a few more days.

Ivy finally gets to enjoy some of her Easter candy.

Anyway, here are a few reasons why she's still the cutest little girl in the world.

1. She likes it when I check her temperature and even picks which ear for me to put the thermometer in.

2. She gets cuddly around strangers again, just like she did for the first year and a half of her life. As soon as a nurse or doctor walks in she instantly buries her face in my belly or chest, and refuses to even look at them. Its sad, but cute.

3. She is suddenly VERY attached to me. Which can be good and bad. She still likes daddy, but prefers me to him right now. I love being loved and needed, because I'm selfish.

4. She discovered that she really enjoys back tickling, hair tickling, and most of all neck and chin tickling. I know it sounds weird, but she will stop crying or squirming the moment I start tickling and if I try to stop she will grab my hand and put it back and say, "tickle". (this isn't the kind of tickling to make you laugh, its the soothing kind, in case you're confused).

5. She yells "my chords!" whenever her oxygen tube gets stuck on various things (like the couch, a chair, someones leg, etc). Then when she frees herself just to instantly get stuck again she yells "Oh! Again!" Its ADORABLE!

6. Whenever I get out the SAT monitor to check her oxygen sats, she puts her finger out without me having to ask, so I can hook it on. She's so smart.

7. And finally, despite being ridiculously sleepy a lot of the time, coughing and coughing until she nearly throws up, and having an annoying tube putting air in her nose 24/7, she is still smily and happy. I'm so proud of her.

And here's a picture of the boys to prove that they do still exist, and we haven't forgotten about them. They've been good helpers! I'm proud of them too! Is Dexter's blue mouth creeping anyone else out?

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