Friday, February 13, 2009

Random Pictures and Stuff

So I haven't really posted many recent pictures in a while, so I thought I would update with a few random photos.
Here are a couple of Ivy, I was messing around with the camera and trying to get a good pic for her baby announcement, neither of these ended up being the winner, but they are super cute!

Here is Corbin teaching Dex the names of the items in this book, it is just so cute when they aren't fighting and actually enjoy each others company!

Here they are again playing nicely. They had built a "fort" using the coffee table, blankets, couch cushions and pillows.

Here is proud papa with his baby girl.....He loves her so much!

Here are the kids being silly. Dexter (as mentioned in a previous post) is obsessed with his belly button, so whenever he wears his footed jammies we have to leave the zipper partially down so he can still get to it. We thought it would be funny to do it with the others also.

Here is Dex again, he put like three pairs of shoes into his open jammies.

And again with his crazy rooster hair, this is how he wakes up each morning.

Here is sweet little Ivy at her first Cardiology appointment here in Boise, she did pretty well for the first 5 minutes of the echo, then cried for the next 10.

And one more of Ivy all dressed up for Valentines day (I realize it's tomorrow, but we celebrated today). Notice her tube is out again, but that is only because she ripped it out this morning, tape and all. If you look closely on her right cheek you can see some red splotches from the tape being ripped off, poor thing! I thought I would give her a break before putting it back in.

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