Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Look how far we've come

Ivy had her surgery yesterday, and things went very well. I probably can't explain the procedure very well, so I'm not going to try. Just know that she had work done on her intestines, and her appendix was removed (not really removed but turned inside out and put into her system for her to poop it out. I know, wierd). She was only in surgery for a little over an hour, and only had the breathing tube in during the procedure. After it was over they took her back to the picu, but only overnight for observation, they said she would go back to the surgical unit in the morning. I went there today and she is still in the picu, although, not because she is not doing well, but because there are no available rooms in the surgical unit. Everything is going really well and we could not be happier with her progress.
Today marks the 40th day of her hospital stay and it amazes me how far we've come. I thought back on her previous two surgeries and how I felt those days and I almost started to cry. There were many days before and after she was born when we wondered if she would survive this long. We feel so blessed to still have her in our lives, and to be doing so well. Thank you so much for all the prayers and support, we couldn't have come so far along without all of you. We love you.

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